FriendShapes v1.1.0

Now that FriendShapes is about to be on Steam, and got some traction (and bug finding) from Haunted PS1, I've added a few small things and some fixes:
- Fix:
Instance of crash on a Axenic Shape from music mislabelling
Camera not tracking player in final digression in a certain area

- Changes:
Added Scape saves to final digression (Thanks to TheFoxyDragon for feedback on this)
Rearranged Title Screen, added a Quit button and various linked buttons
Updated Credits
Added description to the hanging beartrap in the Backwoods as it always seems to draw attention

Also the Demo has been changed to be the same as the one featured in Haunted PS1 as well as Steam, so some small bug fixes, added text for the post-intro to more plainly highlight checking Inventory, Archives & Options as well as only containing 1 Digression (you can always play an earlier demo to also have Axenic if you feel the need)


FriendShapes 1 GB
34 days ago
FriendShapes Demo 421 MB
34 days ago

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