FriendShapes v1.1.4

Some of this is Steam version only but there's enough to warrant updating here also


-   Spelling and grammar
- Some achievement triggers were unknowingly lost due to a bluescreen a few days ago that corrupted the game files - after rebuilding the game from a previous version (replaced all files with the current ones), turns out it didn't carry over anything in the Common Events, including some, (but not all??) previous spelling fixes, tweaks, certain achievements AND any additions to the Credits since starting to prep for Steam... so will be rediscovering those as they're reported again - very sorry if I miss someone for the credits especially
This has affected most of the alternative achievements concerning Shapes, as well as the Era's End Entities Encounter Expert & The Filing Cabinet - I have added them back in once more and checked the others - apologies for any frustration caused for this
Huge shout out and thank you to MadHatterBelial for leading me to discover this with their FriendShapes Achievement + Clues Guide!:

-   Mr Dac achievement only firing if you'd cleared Digression before talking to him (now it works on returning to him after doing so as well) I can't blame this one on the bluescreen, I just forgot they said something different if you'd already done the Digression before talking to them - Thanks Ultra for helping with this one!

-   Increased likelihood of a specific Encounter on Soft Contained Play return
-   Increased maximum Blue path for Conceptual Parasite to give players a bit more time to experiment in the Encounter
-   Door to The Hallways now requires 3 Digressions to be completed instead of 2 (let me know if this breaks anything please!)
-   Shifted the Autosave on Digression Completion to the Options menu, starting on Off rather than being built in


FriendShapes 1 GB
6 days ago

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